Cell: 604-354-3663
Office Phone: 778-520-2000
Address: 200 44-12th Ave South, Cranbrook BC V1C 2R7
Vanessa Beach B.Sc.
Vanessa has over 15 years of exploration experience including programs ranging from regional, early-stage compilation and exploration campaigns through to identifying extensions to known mineralization in the near-mine environment.
These programs involved acquiring and evaluating a broad range of exploration data types, generating 3D structural and lithological models for exploration targeting and resource estimation, and compiling and interrogating large, historic data sets with current technology to re-evaluate overlooked targets and generate exploration potential.
She is well-versed in industry best-practices for data collection, QAQC and management, and in her role as GIS Manager for Terralogic Exploration she continually strives to improve the effectiveness of exploration campaigns through the application of new methods and technologies.
Vanessa has significant experience with:
Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Deposits
Orogenic Gold
Epithermal Precious Metal Deposits
Porphyry Deposits
Data, Modelling & Technology